We help doctors start writing online and attract a high-quality audience within 28 days

Even if you have no writing experience.

Your Story Matters

The Internet has revolutionized the way healthcare professionals share their knowledge. It is no longer just a tool, but an invaluable platform that can amplify your voice and reach to help you create a global impact.Think of Atul Gawande and Ali Abdaal, doctors who are also podcasters, writers, and authors of best-selling books. They have mastered the art of crafting their thoughts and ideas into persuasive writing that resonates across the world.If you think you have missed your opportunity to do the same, think again.You have a story to share, and we want to help you bring it into the world.

Have you always wanted to start writing online?

But when you tried, you never knew where to publish or what to write about and were left staring at the blank page.

Do you struggle to find the time to write?

You know the value behind writing but have always struggled to make time for it and pushed it forward day after day.

Do you want to unlock the doors to more opportunities?

A part of you has always wanted to pursue a new skill and expose your ideas to people across the world.

Have you battled impostor syndrome when writing?

You have heard about the benefits of writing online, but are worried about what others might think or say.

Welcome To Doctors and Writers

We are a two-person team of doctors and writers building a movement with one simple goal: Give more doctors the skills and guidance to help them write the future of healthcare.Even though we have been writing for less than 5 years, we have accumulated audiences of over 50,000 followers, started businesses, and generated multiple revenue streams through our work.Now, we know there is an overwhelming amount online. There are hundreds of complicated courses and services that are either too hard to follow or simply not designed for a medical professional. That is why we have designed our system to help you with your writing goals, regardless of your time commitment and regardless of whether you are a beginner creator or a seasoned expert.Here is how we make that happen.

The D&W System

Step 1: Consulting
After you complete your form, we will review your response and schedule a call to help you break through your greatest writing struggles.

Step 2: Community
We will then enroll you into our private community where you will learn from us and build connections with other doctors and writers.

Step 3: Coaching
Once you are prepared to take the next step in your writing journey, we will create a personalized plan, provide regular feedback, and schedule weekly check-ins to help you stay on course.

Step 4: Cohort
If you enjoy learning with a community, you can join our summer cohort, where we dive deep into lessons and systems to create captivating content and build your authority online.

Make A Difference Beyond The Hospital

Healthcare has made rapid progress, but doctors have limited their influence to social settings and professional boundaries.Friends, colleagues, and family members are the only avenues to their stories, leaving them no room to express themselves and explore their creative potential.But what if those who affect the lives of countless patients knew how to bring their insights and experiences into the online world? How different would the landscape of healthcare look once we stop prioritizing accomplishments and bring forward conversations that inspire us?

One Skill With Lifelong Dividends

Writing is the primary catalyst for your aspirations, regardless of whether you are a junior doctor or surgeon with a lifelong curiosity for writing.At Doctors and Writers, we want to show you how the techniques and skills to build a body of work that lasts for decades rather than days. You no longer have to choose between practicing and writing. You can do both, and we will show you how.It took us years of indecision and countless hours of practice to create frameworks you can use to achieve the same results in a fraction of the time.In 2024, we will bridge the gap between healthcare and writing, and we would love to have you join us on that journey.

About us

Pranav Gajria

Pranav is a doctor and writer based in Sweden. He is an industry authority who has built an audience of over 26,000 followers and has written and consulted for multiple six-figure business owners and entrepreneurs.

Aditaya Kumar

Adi is a Consultant Neurosurgeon in the NHS and an author with over 18,000 followers. He has 13 years of front-line experience as a doctor and surgeon and has recently built a successful coaching business in his spare time.

Frequently asked questions

1. Does D&W only work with healthcare professionals?Yes, we only work with those involved in the healthcare sector. Hundreds of courses and services help people learn how to write, but none of them specifically guide healthcare professionals, and we aim to change that.

2. Do I need to have published something online before?Not at all. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve published a book or never posted your writing online. If you want to explore what writing online has to offer, we can help you refine your message and attract the right audience.

3. I have little to no time to write, can I still sign up to learn more?Finding time is a big issue with writing, and it is the reason many doctors never pursue the craft. We will give you a personalized plan to integrate writing into your day-to-day routine and keep you accountable along the way. All you have to do is stick with the process and stay consistent.

Let's Start Writing

Thank you for taking the time to read about our mission at Doctors and Writers. Once you are ready, press the button below to answer a few brief questions about how we can help you. We will then arrange a call with you to onboard you into the perfect program specific to your needs.

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